Friday, May 20, 2011

Apocalypse Tomorrow!

The Los Angeles Times has a short, interesting article, "Apocalypse when?: May 21 and other doomsday dates on film," about the end of the world as we know it. The article has a slideshow of stills from apocalyptic films and each is accompanied by some essential, don't-make-any-plans-without-it, be-prepared information: When; Who called it; What's going to get us; and What can save us.

This post's photo is the third in the slideshow and is a Columbia/TriStar publicity photo for 2012.

Calling 2012 for the end seems at odds with what the article states is a prediction for tomorrow: "According to Christian radio broadcaster Harold Camping of the Family Radio organization, Saturday is the first day of the "end of days," leading to the final, absolute, this-is-really-it, end-of-the-world doomsday on Oct. 21, 2011. Keep both dates free."

Of course, Harold Camping isn't a filmmaker. But, too, some filmmaker's have been mistaken about the date. The UK Guardian's "The Rapture: judgment day imminent … if US engineer has calculated right" has an interesting story about Camping's prediction.

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